
Upcountry 88 Lions Club
Board/Officers for 2024-2025 Lion-Year

PresidentGail C
2nd Vice PresidentLynn M
TreasurerFrank A
SecretaryBrian C
Service ChairTerry V
Membership ChairNancy V
2-Year DirectorLarry R
2-Year DirectorPat M
Marketing ChairGail C
LCIF ChairOpen
Immediate Past PresidentGail C

Committee Chairs for 2024-2025 Lion-Year

Guest Speakers/ProgramTerry V
Eyeglasses CollectionPat M
Eye CarePat M
Student ScholarshipsTerry V
Student Speakers ContestNancy V
Newsletter EditorGail C
Website & Social MediaGail C
Photos from Installation of Board/Officers
Officers’ Installation 2022 – Left to Right: Larry (Charter Member & Director), Frank (Club President, 2nd Term), and Terry (Club Secretary and Installing Officer)

Club Officers’ Installation at the Pine Grove Mobile Home Estates’ Clubhouse on Irishtown Rd. Hawaiian theme. Dinner provided by Lion Nancy, thank you!
Here’s the link to the .MP4 video of President Frank getting sworn in as President for his 2nd term. Right after that, here’s the .MP4 video link of a short panning of the room showing most of the attendees.

Letter-sized "Request for Reimbursement Form" to submit to our club's PO BOX 777, PINE GROVE CA 95665